Live it the F way!

(Y) teehee!
September 1, 2010, 9:10 pm
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Always rmb to live it the f way (:
August 27, 2010, 12:43 am
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I haven’t posted in a loooong while. anyways, tomorrow (or rather, today) (since I’m posting at 12:37AM) marks the last official day of our hwa chong journey together as a class. I still remember a lot a lot a lot of things from last year when we just got to know each other, haha things are so different now! in a good way la 🙂 sigh it’s kinda sad that everything’s gonna draw to a close so soon. all the good and bad memories are still fresh in my memory. 2 years really flew by huh? and now we’re onto our last lap 😦 although it’s not really the FINAL goodbye yet, sucks to know that it’s just around the corner 😦 sigh sorry I’m suddenly feeling very sad. AIYA anyways it’s so late (early) now my thoughts are incoherent and I simply cannot type out a tremendously sentimental post at a time like this, but here’s a shoutout to everyone from 7F, whether you’re a girl, guy, or in-between!

Like I said just now, we’re already at our last lap, just a few more hurdles to go before we finally reach the finish line. so don’t give up now! we’ve come so far, don’t let 2 years of hardwork/tears/sweat/pain go to waste. Give up now and you’ll be letting yourself and everyone else you know down. so don’t lose hope 🙂 no matter how bleak the future looks/how terribly worried about the upcoming exams you might be/how apprehensive you feel towards everything that’s coming your way, HAVE FAITH 🙂 worrying doesn’t help so why not work on getting all the subjects and concepts at your fingertips instead! there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how faint it may be. so MUG LIKE THERE’S NO TOMORROW (there’s not much time left but we gotta make the most out of what we have! so as long as you try your best to prepare as much as you can, you know that you wouldn’t be letting anyone down :D), then we can party really really really really really hard once all the madness is over 😀



if you haven’t seen this already…
August 15, 2010, 11:46 pm
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haipi burfdae~!
August 13, 2010, 10:10 am
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August 1, 2010, 5:53 am
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hi guys, it’s about a month or so to prelims and  HUNDRED-AND-ONE DAYS to As.

we’ve come so far, and studied for 12 years for the big As so lets not let it go to waste! but remember not stress ourselves out too much (even though i know it’s easier said that done). yup! stay healthy and smart and strong ^^


A very gentle reminder.
July 29, 2010, 5:06 pm
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July 25, 2010, 1:25 pm
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Hot stuff
July 2, 2010, 8:03 pm
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For all charlie the unicorn fans. You may make your purchase here:

should you be bored in the middle of blocks~
June 27, 2010, 12:14 pm
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Elmo on rove 2008
June 22, 2010, 12:05 am
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